Internationalization Strategies

8 June 2017


3io offers its skills and services to companies to elaborate and implement effective and multi-channel internationalization strategies.

Backed by a solid experience in managing international brands and introducing new brands in Italy an Europe, we can assist you in the most suitable way to enter the foreign markets that offer the best business opportunites for your product and the brand diffusion.


We handle European markets, with a specialization in the German-speaking countries: Germany, Austria, Switzerland.
È un’area con forte potenziale economico, molto attrattiva per il settore del commercio e per le aziende italiane che vogliono espandere l’attività in mercati vicini e stabili. – It is a strong economic potential area, very attractive for the business sector and for the Italian companies that want to expand their business in neighboring and stable markets.

Entering strategies in the Italian and foreign markets

We guide you in the international development plan with a goal: creating networks and sales channels that generate sell out. By providing you with a complete picture, analyzing all the key factors for strategic decisions (product, industry, markets, competitor, economic framework, regulatory and facilitation), we define the most appropriate operating and marketing choices for you.
We deal with direct sales networks, franchising, retail organization, temporary communication activities, promotion and sale.

Partner research and Joint Venture organization

The assistance to internationalization includes the selection of potentially interested local businesses and partners, organizing the necessary contacts and information exchanges.
We explore co-operation opportunities to organize joint venture agreements that allow the realization of useful synergies of financial, commercial and distribution investment.